SCADA System

Supervisory control and data acquisition are referred to as SCADA. It is a system of hardware and software components that allows industrial companies to receive, analyze, and interpret real-time data and control industrial operations locally or remotely. The SCADA system also records and logs all events for reporting process status and issues. It was first used in the 1960s and is now used in nearly all industrial plants and production facilities.

How does the SCADA System work?

Remote terminal units (RTUs) or programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are the first components of the basic SCADA system (RTUs). PLCs and RTUs are small computers that interface with various devices, including factory equipment, HMIs, sensors, and end devices. These computers then use SCADA software to transport the data from these objects to other computers.

The system collects all the data from remote sensors and equipment. This data is processed by the computer, which promptly displays it. All the information is collected, combined, and sent back to the system while error alarms are given. The plan presents all the data and errors logically, structured manner.

SCADA in Civil Engineering:

SCADA technology is used in construction industries like RMC plants, HOT mix plants, equipment, irrigation districts, etc. State and municipal water use SCADA applications. They monitor and regulate water flow, reservoir levels, pipe pressure, wastewater collection and treatment facilities, water treatment centers and distribution, and other factors of the field devices.

Any issue in the construction industry can quickly escalate into a problem costing the company millions. The promptness of SCADA makes it possible to avoid the loss of product, preventing the loss of precious revenue from the construction industry.

This technology is an advanced technology that is a one-time investment for mass construction. In PWD (Public Work Department), SCADA technology has been made compulsory for road construction.


  • It allows the users to control their industrial operations locally and in remote locations.
  • Monitor and gather real-time data and process it for industrial use.
  • An operator can run the system virtually. Furthermore, allowing the operator to keep track of the entire process from his place or control room.
  • Log data for the historical purposes of the system. Because of the current SCADA software, historical data collection is available to improve plant processes further.
  • SCADA is helping in compartmentalizing information for industrial usage. It uses better data processing, leading to more intelligent decisions. Better communication results in fewer glitches, decreasing the time spent on the project and reducing costs in the long run.
  • It is revolutionizing the construction industry in a big way by reducing downtime on projects. Problems that took days to solve can be handled in a few hours. This is thanks to the enhanced problem-solving matrix of the system.


The widespread adoption of SCADA and automation technologies remains a technical and financial challenge for most construction fields. Despite many suitable hardware and software products available on the market, putting all the pieces together requires specialized expertise.

Controlling remote sites via a web browser can create security concerns. SCADA systems are a network presence and face significant threats and vulnerabilities. Data fusion and data mining on the data acquired from RTU is a considerable concern.


A Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is a powerful tool that, when appropriately implemented in construction industries, can lead to improved service, more effective operations, and in some cases, a reduction in costs (less labor, less energy, etc.).

SCADA systems are a vital tool for keeping our society going. As electronics and communications have improved, so have the capabilities of SCADA systems. SCADA systems make controlling large and small processes easier for Operators in construction industries.

Author: Rohit Garg

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